Lynda's Latest Blogs

You Don’t Have to be Pregnant to Love Pickles – Prohibition Pickle Deli & Catering – The Underground Deli
Memories of my early childhood are based on senses of taste and smell. Speaking to Chaim Davids, the founder of Prohibition Pickle, I was brought

Negative Space Turns Into Positive Art ….. Paper Cuts – But No Ouchies!
A delicate and precise procedure is taking place on a cutting board. The hand guiding the knife is sure and exact. With a swift movement,

Floating on Air- Art to lift your spirits
I must confess- I’m not an art critic or connoisseur but I know what I like. Please don’t give me cubist blocks or triangles that

Magic and Mystery in the Stones of the Holy Land
When I look at a rock, I see a rock. Anat Perl, the designer of Blessing Stones can look at a rock and see the creation within. In her mind’s eye, she imagines the form that will emerge, and in so doing she brings the essence of her vision to life. Anat is an artist in varied media.

Can a woman have too many handbags? Puhleeze!
Color, size, function, personality- just about anything and everything determines the chosen pocketbook for your day. Do you need a crossover just to carry your phone and credit card? Perhaps you need a tote bag to carry your wallet, library book, extra water bottle, tablet and three granola bars?

Earrings By Irit- Colorful Sensations
Have you ever spoken to sunshine over the phone? Well, I did! From the beginning of our conversation till the end, a glow seemed to

If you can’t bring your own piano- try a tambourine!
If you can’t bring your own piano- try a tambourine! I’ve spent many years trying to learn an instrument. I am musical but my hands

No “ouchies” from these Paper Cuts!
No “ouchies” from these PAPER CUTS It’s still dark outside here in the US as I call Lisa Isaacs, resident of Modi’in and charming creator

What is in a Name?
Highlighting some of our ETSY vendors “What’s in a name?” asks Shakespeare. Was he thinking of ETSY- the world wide platform for arts, crafts and

JewelRina- Rina Lutzki-Levy: A Personal Interview
Personal interview with Etsy merchant Rina Lutzki-Levy The first purchase I made on the ACHI Market Place was a beautiful woven necklace with seed pearls